Christmas Blog

By Patrick Gates

Get Myspace Christmas Countdown

Welcome and Merry Christmas. Thank you for tuning into the Gates Christmas Chronicles. This is where you will find all the info and play by play of all of the days leading up to Christmas. Plz stay with us this Christmas and have a Merry Christmas.

-----Dec. 12-----

All Images on this page are by Patrick Gates
Today I spent most.....well....all of my time playing video games, watching TV, and decorating my computer desktop. I also came up with the idea to read the story of Jesus Birth before Dec. 25. My Myspace is here my computer picture is above (by the way the snowflakes fall right down the screen) Well stay tuned because tommorow were getting our tree and the day after WERE DECORATING!!!

-----Dec. 13-----

Today wasn't as exciting as it shoulda been, but it still was quite fun. I started out chillin' with my dad and watchin' TV. Then I went and played a little video games until I went to my dance class. When my God sister picked me up from dance class she took me to go get something to eat and on the way there we saw some lights on a hill and she took me up to Pepper dr. Now your expecting me to tell you of some story of us getting a tree or decorating, but I didn't today because my Mom got sick. So tomorrow is when I'm going to get the tree and DECORATE!!!! So stay tuned.

-----Dec. 14-----

All Images on this page are by Patrick Gates
Well Today was quite fun. We started out by chilling at home until I went with my Mom, Brother, and his friend Alex. We searched through the trees and found the perfect one and had Andy, my brother, and Alex put it in the truck and drive it home. Then for the rest of the day I decorated and worked on getting the strands of lights full of working bulbs. I worked well into the night and finally fell asleep.

-----Dec. 15----

All Images on this page are by Patrick Gates
D DAY!!!! Not that D day. Decoration day. Today I woke up early grabbed some breakfast and got straight to work. I put up a tree of lights hanging from the ceiling with a star at the top. Then put some icicles at the top of the porch and lights stringing all the way around it. I then took some of these special lights and put them in the bushes and windows then decorated the steps. It was so fun to see all of them together like that. They all looked so beautiful and I really love them.Tommorow I'm having a Limo pick me up at my home for my friend Stephen Moores B-day.

-----Dec. 16-----

I felt like a star today as a limo picked me up right at my home. It was a hummer limo that drove me and my friends all over town for My friend Stephen Moores B-day. But before I did any of this I had to do homework and well of course watch the game that Got the Chargers into the playoffs. Well I gotta go. It's really late and It's a school night.

-----Dec. 17-----

Today wasn't the most exciting day ever, but it wasn't bad. I went to school and just came home and chilled.....Thats it, but the great thing was my Dad got up and drove for the first time in a long tim today. Oh yah explain. FAor most of you you might already know that my Dad had surgery, but if you don't well he had surgery. It was on his lower back and he is finnally able to drive. Thats probably one of the best Christmas presents right there is to see my Dad feeling good enough to drive. The rest of this week isn't going to be planned or expected except for three things 1. Christmas Shopping on the 21st 2. Christmas eve party at my Grandmothers Church and house and 3. Christmas Day when I get to open my presents and have a great day So stick around.

-----Dec. 18-----

Well Today I started out by going with my Dad to the doctors and grabbed something to eat and went home. I then just chilled and worked on the computer. Thats it. Later on I hung out with my dad and watched a movie called Pay It Forward. Oh and I also made a Christmas Wishlist:

1. D-link DBT-120 Wireless Bluetooth adapter

2. Slim Straight 514™ Cords W 32 H 30

3. Pimp My Laptop Personalized Laptop sticker

4. Wii Zapper

5. Super Mario Galaxy

6. Medal of Honors: Heroes 2

7. 58mm Neutral Density Filter

8. 58mm Polarizing Filter

9. 52mm - 58mm step up ring

10. C28 Gift card

Though you might think this is quite boring, but I'm actually quite glad I can just lye down and relax. Its very nice. Alrighty then. I will talk to you all laytah.

-----Dec. 19-----

Well today wuz another chilling, sit back and relax, days. I just ate, watched TV, and played video games. Afterwards I made a fire and drank egg nog plus some apple cider. It was very nice just to sit next to a warm fire watching my favorite show and drinking some warm apple cider. OMG. Do you know what just happened. I heard an owl hooting outside. Thats awesome. Oh the wonders of Winter. Alirghty then. Stick with me cause for the next couple days we'll be doing more Christmas shopping.

-----Dec. 20-----

Sry I didn't type this yesterday, but it was soooooooooooo busy. I started out by going to Cris' house for my music lesson. Then my Mom and me went to this new mall in Otay and did some Christmas Shopping. We got some stuff for my Dad and Cousin and such. Then I went to my Dance lesson where I almost died from all the working we did. They made us do 130 crunches about a minute of holding our own weight, and 10 push-ups. And thats it. I came home and played video games then went to sleep.

-----Dec. 21-----

Today was more laid down then yesterday, but it wasn't like the day before yesterday. I started out by being woken by a few animals falling on top of me because my brother decided to drop the dog and cat on me. I then chilled and watched Tv until my Mom came home. She brought with her some more Christmas presents. I then went with my parents to the same mall as yesterday to get some more shopping in. And thats it. Yep. OK. Well. Yah. OK. Yah. Ttyl.

Ashley Melton's Sweet Sixteen

By Patrick Gates
On 11/16/07 I photographed Ashley Melton's Sweet Sixteen. To see the pictures click here and leave a comment of whether you liked them or not.


By Patrick Gates
Welcome everyone to our weblog. This is our first day here and we plan on posting up many photos, videos, tips, and different things for our viewers and friends. I hope u all enjoy this and by the way I was baptized today. Pretty fun huh.